
The care and education offered by PRINCETON SCHOOL, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, aims to provide all of the children with interesting activities that are right for their age groups and stage of development. The curriculum, which we follow, is The Early Years Foundation Stage Guidelines (DFES 2012); which is a play-based curriculum for children from age two to five. There are 7 areas that are used to plan our children’s learning and activities.

Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first.
These are:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

These prime areas are those most essential for our children’s healthy development and future learning.

As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas.
These are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Children at PRINCETON SCHOOL, Phnom Penh, learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking that takes place both indoor and outside.

We provide enriching, challenging and stimulating material to enhance children’s innate ability to learn. More importantly, at PRINCETON SCHOOL, Phnom Penh, children learn from direct experiences through a number of activities that include academics, block building, role-playing, arts and craft, music and movement classes, story telling, sensory play and manipulative play.

Our curriculum is developed so that there is a common thread (i.e. theme) that connects all three classrooms. We begin by discussing the monthly main theme (e.g. Emotions) and then we break it down into weekly sub-themes (e.g. Identify and naming emotions; Strengthen their vocabulary for expressing feelings; Calibrating their feelings; Feeling empowered to manage their feelings). We create and submit weekly curriculum plans that include lesson plans for each individual classroom. Our teachers will select additional books and activities for their particular age group.

In addition to these essential learning experiences we periodically hold special events, related to our curriculum, such as enjoying enrichment visitors (e.g. musicians, firemen & jugglers), special celebration days (e.g. Chinese New Year party) and Family learning days.